History of FMB

FMB Berlin is a globally active company based at the business and science location in Berlin-Adlershof. Our customers are national and international industrial companies and research research institutes. Our company business includes the development, design, production and and installation of customized systems and devices for vacuum technology, scientific equipment and precision engineering. We have specialized in the construction components for synchrotrons and particle accelerators.
To strengthen our team in the Technology Park Berlin-Adlershof, we are looking for a

Projektleiter Vakuumsysteme m/w/d

Student Positions

FMB Berlin has always been in intensive professional exchange with universities, technical colleges, and research institutes. Developing our innovative products not only requires science experts and industry specialists, our student employees are also an important source of innovative power. They are well versed in current scientific developments and have new ideas. This makes for an advantageous situation for both parties: Students enrich our company’s daily life with their knowledge of the methodology of academic teaching and in return they are able to test and implement their knowledge in an industrial environment. They also get to know our high-tech company: people, products, processes, and much more.
Working Student xxx m/w/d